
Happiness on Demand

November Newsletter: Happiness Amidst Chaos

Published 6 months agoΒ β€’Β 6 min read

Happiness On Demand

Happiness Amidst Chaos

Hello Reader,

In the face of global challenges and uncertainty, it may seem counterintuitive to seek happiness.

However, maintaining a positive mindset is not about denying the harsh realities of the world but rather finding the strength within to navigate them.

But can we be happy when people all over the world are dying from wars, natural disasters, and disease?

Moreover, should we be happy? Is it "right" to feel happy, even though so many are suffering? Isn't being happy quite unempathetic?

We will answer these questions in this newsletter.

Resources for Overcoming Fear, Worry, Anxiety, and Stress


here are some resources for navigating amidst the chaos in the world:

1. The Tapping Solution​

This one is free, and I am not affiliated with it in any way. I just always recommend it because its so effective! (and my go-to method for relieving stress and anxiety)

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Tapping: This technique is designed to alleviate negative emotions, stress, or pain by tapping on specific acupressure points while focusing on emotional issues or physical discomfort.

2. Mind-Body Connection: The Powerful Unity Of Well-Being​

The latest post on the blog explores the connection between our minds and bodies. This connection is a source of strength and unity that contributes to overall well-being.

By understanding and harnessing the synergy between mental and physical aspects, you can achieve a powerful and harmonious state of wellness.


Second, some news.

I've been down and out with quite a nasty seasonal flu for a couple of days, which, unsurprisingly, messed up my already messed-up schedule. πŸ˜…

I'm working on arranging my life (yes, pretty much all of it) for the coming year and am stuffed with all sorts of projects at the moment.

Consequently: This newsletter and the blog are still a top priority, but there may be some gaps and delays with new posts and emails.

I have lots of exciting content planned for next year, including an overhaul of the resources on the website, videos, and working with guest authors.

In any case,

I am extremely grateful for your continued support, comments, and kind words.

Thank you for sticking with me πŸ™

How to Remain Grounded and Happy

Now on to the main topic.

How to be happy - when there's so much to be unhappy about? Should you even be happy?

The answers are: You can be happy and you should be happy.

Being happy, even in the midst of chaos, is not only possible but can empower you to make a positive impact.

Here's how being happy can help:

Empowerment through Positivity: Maintaining a positive mindset empowers you to take action. When you are happy, you radiate positivity, inspiring and uplifting those around you.

This empowerment positions you to be a source of support for others who may be struggling.

Proactive Problem-Solving: Happiness can be a catalyst for proactive problem-solving. Instead of succumbing to despair, a positive mindset encourages creative thinking and resourcefulness.

By approaching challenges with optimism, you can contribute to finding solutions and making a difference in the lives of others.

Ability to think rationally: In the contemporary landscape, we often find ourselves grappling with a constant undercurrent of fear, fueled by the barrage of information from various sources, including news and social media.

This perpetual state of alertness triggers the body's fight-or-flight response, a mechanism designed to deal with immediate threats.

The problem with fear lies not only in its immediate emotional impact but also in its ability to impair rational thinking. When you are in a constant state of fear, your ability to think critically and make informed decisions is compromised.

By actively incorporating happiness-inducing practices into your life, you can counteract the debilitating effects of fear and regain control over your emotional and cognitive well-being.

In conclusion, when you know how to be happy, you can empower yourself to help others, think critically, and solve problems more effectively.

What Can You Do to Be Happy?

There are effective ways to counteract pervasive fear and anxiety.

These methods can help you break free from the grip of fear, anxiety, sadness, or even anger, and regain a sense of balance and control over your thoughts and emotions.

Limiting Media Consumption:

I recommend this as the one thing you should do right now.

The media lives on "clicks". They write headlines and tell stories that incite an emotional reaction in you to get your attention.

Unfortunately for us, one of the most powerful emotional reactions is fear.

The media knows this and feeds us stories that incite our fear.

Being mindful of the information consumed from news and social media can mitigate the overwhelming effects of fear.

Setting boundaries on media exposure and seeking information from reliable sources can help prevent the constant activation of the fight-or-flight response.

Mindfulness and Meditation:

Practices such as mindfulness and meditation can help you become more aware of your thoughts and emotions.

By cultivating a non-judgmental awareness of the present moment, you can detach from fear-inducing thoughts and foster a sense of calm.

Positive Psychology:

​Positive psychology techniques focus on identifying and fostering strengths, virtues, and factors that contribute to a fulfilling life.

Engaging in activities that bring joy, gratitude, and a sense of accomplishment can counteract the negative impact of constant exposure to fear-inducing content.

Cultivating Social Connections:

​Building and maintaining positive relationships can provide emotional support and a sense of security.

Sharing concerns with friends and loved ones can be cathartic and help alleviate the isolation that fear can sometimes bring.

Find Strength in Your Truth

Discovering happiness is a journey rooted in the strength of our beliefs. The journey begins with introspection to identify core values, offering resilience amid life's challenges.

Spirituality acts as a guiding force, urging us to embrace life's imperfections as opportunities for growth.

This perspective fosters gratitude and transforms obstacles into stepping stones on the path to lasting happiness.

For those with religious convictions, trusting in a higher plan provides solace and meaning, instilling a sense of peace and acceptance amidst life's uncertainties.

Finding Strength in Your Beliefs:

Embracing happiness starts with finding strength in your personal beliefs. This involves introspection to identify your core values and principles that anchor you.

Reflect on what matters most to you and draw strength from those convictions.

This foundation will provide resilience in the face of adversity, allowing you to maintain a positive outlook even when surrounded by chaos.

Try to answer the "why". Why do I want to be happy? What can I accomplish if I am happy and motivated?

You can also try "who". Who is the person (or persons) in my life, that I want to support? Who is the reason why I want to be happy and supportive? Who could I help if I had unlimited strength?

Spirituality - Embracing the Imperfect:

Spirituality can be a powerful tool for finding happiness amidst chaos. The idea that everything is perfect, even in its imperfection, encourages a shift in perspective.

So know that there is more going on "behind the scenes" that you can now understand. Trust that there is perfection in the chaos and that all is going to be well - after all, that is the divine plan.

Also, embrace the notion that challenges and difficulties are an integral part of life's journey. Life has its ups and downs, on a global as well as an individual scale.

But no matter the scale, you always hold the power to choose.

You can't change the circumstances, but you can always choose how you react.

By acknowledging the imperfections, you can cultivate gratitude for the lessons learned and the growth that arises from adversity.

Religion - Trusting in a Higher Plan:

For those with religious beliefs, finding solace in the idea that a higher power has a plan can be a source of comfort.

Trusting in a divine purpose provides a sense of meaning and order in the face of chaos.

This perspective encourages individuals to surrender control over uncontrollable circumstances, fostering a sense of peace and acceptance.


In a world filled with chaos and uncertainty, finding happiness is not only a personal benefit but a means to contribute positively to the collective well-being.

By drawing strength from personal beliefs, embracing spirituality, and/or trusting in a higher power, you can navigate the challenges around you with resilience and optimism.

Ultimately, being happy in the midst of chaos is a powerful force for good, enabling you to extend a helping hand to those in need.


Even in the midst of chaos,


Think happy thoughts!


- Atte

Happiness On Demand


P.S. In the pursuit of happiness, remember that acknowledging and nurturing the mind-body connection is not just a key to well-being but also a source of resilience amid life's challenges. Read about the mind-body connection on the blog​


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Happiness on Demand

Atte Nissinen

I'm a depression survivor, now running a company dedicated to helping you conquer mental health challenges and find lasting happiness. I offer insights to help you live a happier, more fulfilling life free of stress, anxiety, and depression.

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